Slides null puliya linux basics

A presentation at Null Meet Bangalore Chapter in February 2016 in Bengaluru, Karnataka, India by Anant Shrivastava

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ANANT SHRIVASTAVA Information Security Consultant Admin - Dev - Security null + OWASP + G4H and @anantshri Trainer : Blackhat, RuxCon, NullCon, g0s, c0c0n Speaker : Nullcon, c0c0n, ClubHack, RootConf Android Tamer Code Vigilant

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WHAT ARE WE COVERING 1. Understanding *nix 2. File System Basics 3. Understanding I/O 4. Basic Commands 5. How to Exit VIM 6. Shell Script basics 7. Automation

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NIX 1. Family of OS ranging from Unix, Linux, *BSD (FreeBSD, OpenBSD etc) 2. Follow same standards in terms of file systems, directory layout etc

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LINUX 1. Free as in free speech not free beer 2. Everyone can create there own Distro 3. Hanna Montanna Linux and more

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LINUX DISTRIBUTIONS 1. Various Linux Distributions 2. Debian Based (apt-get / dpkg) 3. RedHat based (yum / rpm) 4. LTS or not

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FILE SYSTEM BASICS 1. Everything is a file 2. File System Layout 3. Standard File system layout 1. / as highest level 2. /etc for all configuration 3. /home : users home folder

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FILE SYSTEM TYPES ext2 Maximum file size = 16 GB to 2 TB File system size = 2 TB to 32 TB ext3 1. Journaling (Linux Kernel 2.4.15) 2. Maximum file size = 16 GB to 2 TB 3. File system size = 2 TB to 32 TB ext4 1. Starting from Linux Kernel 2.6.19 ext4 2. Maximum file size = 16 GB to 16 TB 3. File system size = 1 EB 1. 1 EB = 1024 PB 2. 1 PB = 1024 TB

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MORE FILE SYSTEM BASIC 1. File System Permissions -rwxrwxrwx 2. Suid bits -rwsrwxrwx 3. sgid bit -rwxrwsrwx 4. sticky bit -rwxrwxrwt 5. First bit can be l,c,b,d,-

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SUDO 1. id 0 is omnipotent 2. its suggested not to use root access 3. So how do we do high privilege actions

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STANDARD I/O 1. Input (<) 2. Output (>) 3. Error (2>)

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USEFUL COMMANDS 1. ls, cd, mkdir 2. cut 3. grep 4. sed 5. sort 6. uniq 7. xargs 8. find 9. tr 10. ps 11. screen 12. netstat -lntp 13. file

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EDITOR 1. Vim 2. Nano 3. EMACS

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INSTALLING SOFTWARES 1. Debian apt-get install 2. Redhat yum install 3. python pip install 4. ruby gem install 5. npm / nodejs npm install

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MORE USEFUL COMMANDS 1. python -m SimpleHTTPServer Port 2. !! 3. cd ~ 4. cd 5. mtr 6. mount and format 7. setting environment Variables

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CRONTAB 1. Automate periodic execution * * * * * * CMD |||||| | | | | | +— Year (range: 1900-3000) | | | | +—— Day of the Week (range: 1-7, 1 standing for Monday) | | | +——— Month of the Year (range: 1-12) | | +———— Day of the Month (range: 1-31) | +————— Hour (range: 0-23) +—————— Minute (range: 0-59)

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CONFIGURING SERVICES SSH Configuration file : /etc/ssh/sshd_config

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USING SSH 1. SSH Authentication 1. Password 2. SSH Key 2. How to Configure SSH Login via Key 3. ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

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SHELL SCRIPT BASICS 1. Shebang 2. $1 $2, $* $@ $0 3. read 4. echo 5. cat 6. Conditions 7. Loop 8. Expansion {}

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WRITING CUSTOM SCRIPTS 1. Write a shell script to calculate simple interest 2. Write a shell script to check whether no is even or odd 3. Print prime numbers from 1 to 5000

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OVERLOAD COMMANDS 1. alias 2. Why alias and why not 3. find location add path before everything else and then overload

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