SBoM: The Fad, The Future, and In-Between

A presentation at Bsides Bangalore in June 2024 in Bengaluru, Karnataka, India by Anant Shrivastava

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SBoM The Fad, The Future, and In-Between Anant Shrivastava

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Anant Shrivastava ● Chief researcher @ Cyfinoid Research ● 15+ yrs of industry exposure ● Speaker / Trainer: BlackHat, c0c0n, nullcon, RootConf, RuxCon ● Project Lead: ● ○ Code Vigilant (Code Review Project) ○ Hacking Archives of India, ○ TamerPlatform (Android Security) (@anantshri on social platforms) (C) Cyfinoid Research 2

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Software Bill of Material • Itemized list of all the ingredients in the software • Ingredients means mostly third-party components • • • • • Software name Version Checksum License information Dependencies list if possible • SBoM’s are mostly for one level depth only with other levels plugged in each other. (C) Cyfinoid Research 3

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Every standard starts with competition • SPDX • ISO Standard • Github provides default export in this format • CycloneDX • OWASP Supported • SWID • Alternative ISO specification (C) Cyfinoid Research 4

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Example CycloneDX SBoM (C) Cyfinoid Research 5

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Example SPDX SBoM (C) Cyfinoid Research 6

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How to create SBoM • Github provides dependency Graph in “Insights” • SBoM generation tools • Cdxgen • • SPDX Generator • • /dev/hand if all else fails (Its XML) (C) Cyfinoid Research 7

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GitHub Export SBOM Option (C) Cyfinoid Research 8

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(C) Cyfinoid Research 9

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Is SBoM really useful • SBoM rose to prominence coz of exec order by US President. • Requirement is to create SBoM • No directions around usage, consumption etc • SBoM Tells you software composition nothing else • Industry representatives have started asking Questions? • Should we focus on building SBOM or fix issues in that time? (C) Cyfinoid Research 10

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Thoughts from Industry around SBoM • Why should I disclose my composition to the world • I will only share the SBoM to NDA covered entities • I don’t need SBoM coz I don’t sell to USA • Better to spend time in fixing bugs then making SBoM (C) Cyfinoid Research 11

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Food for thought software industry is mostly fixing problems created by software industry (C) Cyfinoid Research 12

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What problems have we created • Software build automation == quicker release cycle • Automated release cycle == less wait for features • Faster feature release == less inclination to upgrade dependencies • Too much focus on OSS Codebase without helping the maintainers • Impossible segregation of features and bug fixes • Automated notification of vulnerability (hedonic hamster wheel) (C) Cyfinoid Research 13

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SBoM can help • Identifying incorrect use of software • Identify what to fix in scenarios like log4shell • Identify impact in sec bug release in a core component • Basically, Inventory problems Ref: (C) Cyfinoid Research 14

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Another thought • Infosec has never had the luxury of well-maintained inventory • SBoM can help with it • we never had inventory; we don’t even know what to do with it when its created (C) Cyfinoid Research 15

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Consequences for Infosec For Practitioners both infosec and Devops • We have been asking for better visibility, this is it For Industry entities • This is like “opening the kimono” moment (C) Cyfinoid Research 16

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If security practitioners want to preserve this facility they need to act now (C) Cyfinoid Research 17

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(C) Cyfinoid Research 18

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Existing tooling • OWASP Cyclone DX : • Google SLSA dev : • SPDX : • SafeDep : • Dependency Tracker: • SYFT : (C) Cyfinoid Research 19

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Security efforts already in progress • VDR : Vulnerability Disclosure Report • VEX : Vulnerability Exploitability eXchange • xBoM’s • • • • • • Software-as-a-Service Bill of Materials (SaaSBOM) Hardware Bill of Materials (HBOM) Machine Learning Bill of Materials (ML-BOM) Cryptography Bill of Materials (CBOM) Manufacturing Bill of Materials (MBOM) Operations Bill of Materials (OBOM) • Attestations (C) Cyfinoid Research 20

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What can we do • Security is largely considered a cost center and any incentive that is solely useful for security is a cost. • Inventory allows organization to make data driven decisions • Make SBoM’s usefulness visible for other departments • If more people especially profit centers and business requirements (HR, Finance) need it, its hard to kill (C) Cyfinoid Research 21

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SBoM Usage beyond security teams Use each SBoM as part of inventory, Consolidate then and then draw inferences from it • Development • Acquisitions and mergers • Compliance (adjunct security) • Risk Management (C) Cyfinoid Research 22

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SBoM usage for Developers • Manage technical Debt • Reduce dependency scatter • Consolidate efforts for usage • Simplified package selection in case of newer project (C) Cyfinoid Research 23

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SBoM usage for Acquisitions & Mergers Use SBoM as an indicator for future cost and decision • Too many outdated / EOL / unmaintained software in use leads to high cost of ownership after acquisitions • If the toolset / techstack is vastly different than existing, then extra talent cost • If too many techstacks in picture, shows non cohesive teams (C) Cyfinoid Research 24

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SBoM usage for Compliance • Licensing policy spread not just at product but at input component level • Possible cost of rework due to non-compliance with company policy • Possible repercussions if my code touches this code (GPL restrictions to name as one) (C) Cyfinoid Research 25

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SBoM usage for Risk Management Interesting questions that can be answered • Do I want to include X amount of risk by purchasing this vendor’s software? • If risk is low but product will be highly visible, can I still afford it. • Even with high risk, in a self-contained environment is it okey • Do I really want my SSO auth token going into this software (C) Cyfinoid Research 26

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What is needed • Better tooling (tech and UX) • Current tools are not easy to use even for practitioners • Collaboration and seeking feedback from other parties • Don’t make tooling for yourself make it for others • Focus on usage not on glamorizing tech • We technologists focus too much of technical side. (C) Cyfinoid Research 27

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To Conclude • I believe SBoM is a Boon for overall IT Industry to move in better directions. • Newton’s first law of motion stands : Inertia can only be countered by greater force • There is a bright future ahead if we can muster the courage for it (C) Cyfinoid Research 28

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Thanks for listening & open to Questions? NAME WEBSITE EMAIL (C) Cyfinoid Research 29